


U.S. Trademarks


     A trademark is a word, logo, symbol or other indicator that identified the source of a product or service.  Generally, trademark rights arise from the use of the trademark in association with the product or service in commerce.  In many cases, state laws provide common law rights once the trademark is used in commerce.  Additionally, one may federally register a trademark with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.  Not only does Federal registration provide notice of the trademark to competitors and consumers, various federal protections arise through Federal Registration.  A trademark may be registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office on a name/symbol that is already in use or on a name/symbol that one "intends to use".  Once this application is filed, the application is examined by a U.S. Trademark Examiner for various formalities and then a trademark search is conducted.   If the application is allowed and a trademark is issued from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, periodic renewals must be paid (currently every 10 years) in order to maintain the Federal registration.


     For more information relating to Federal Trademark law, please go to






     The information provided by this website is for general information purposes only and does not, in any way, constitutes legal advice.  If you are interested in obtaining legal advice or establishing an attorney-client relationship, please contact our office.